Five Di Allan and Song Yi

Report for duty as a child late night TV program, everybody is right Ke Lusi of · of Mu of soup of Hollywood giant star and Kitty · Heermusi this is infatuate to husband and wife, actually this pair of husband and wife go up to conduct behavior from the age have very big different, but a pair when become envy making a person however, there is a lot of looking on the history the famous husband and wife of not very match, they two people just stopped one pair among them. does contrary thing have mutual appeal really? It is it seems that such, let us have a look a few historic " the fault matchs husband and wife " .
1. Install graceful · Nicol Smith and J · Howard Marshall
Come from 1994 1995 (he dies this year) . She is the cleaner of breast meat of a big tit, had gotten 8 grade education only, and he is a billionaire of 89 years old, because aged put oneself in another's position is weak, can sit on wheelchair only. Very natural, people the first those who think of is the bank accounts that she loves him, how do this pair look how also the person that unlike is a pair of husband and wife married 1994 unexpectedly, doing not have a person to know them is how of courtship, nevertheless Smith is very obliged certainly this, that is at that time " Wei elder brother " Zhuang Yang medicine has not sold publicly.
After a year, marshall days nap a little while when piece finish sth, old people habit takes a nap, this is no wonder, it is he sleeps to did not awake only, let Smith extremely open-eyed is, her name did not appear in his will unexpectedly. Did not say, for contention his bequest can engage in a lawsuit only, finally, a judge sentenced her 475 million dollar, and another judge announces this one court decision is invalid however. This picket marriage is quite peculiar really additional kind, but anyhow, sleeping together with a great grandfather of 89 years old also is not easy.
The oddest moment: They just writtened guarantee get married, smith flew with respect to the man that left her and her bodyguard Greek.
2 five Di Allan. He Songyi
1997 up to now (unripe have two children) . Five Di Allan is an a bit jumpy director, his lover is Mia Faluo, and law collect has name of foster daughter of a Han Yi to call Song Yi, once law collect discovered nude picture of Song Yi in Wu Di's apartment, allan is flat tell law collect: "I and your daughter dated. " later, allan and Yi of the Song Dynasty married, they had given birth to two children.
The oddest moment: Law collect was adopting Song Yi, this little girl there are 8 years old only at that time, what law collect perhaps hopes she brings back is the souvenir of an extraordinary.
3. Jackson of Michael Er · and all women that marry with him
Is he the person that are a queer or opposite sex loved? Is he a black be still a white man? Even if his lovers also may not is clear. It is as small as famous actress wave female singer be on terms of intimacy first, it is to let rock and roll deceasedly next day king " feline king " get straight revolve urgently in grave, because Jackson and " feline king " exclusive daughter Lisa Marie married. Can Jackson still find true love? Perhaps, dan Tan says in vain, the person that any wives still are willing to arrive to still wearing black shoe white sock now with stays together to let us feel bizarre and eccentric really.
The oddest moment: Michael Er announces to move thalassic country Bahrain, 3 when let still like at present " vermicelli made from bean starch " shock is not small.
4. Dew of dream of · of Ma beautiful lotus and Yase Miller
Came 1956 1961 (divorce) . She is the great beauty of a Jin Nvbi eye, having the concern that says not clear path is unidentified with the American president Kennedy at that time, and he is one has obtained the dramatist of award of plan of American general benefit, they two people are attracted each other and going is unimaginably queer making a person really together. The dream shows the talent He Min that respects Miller to feel, and Miller is loving at her " game, Promethean the enormous sense that is less than with expect making a person " , in other words, he cannot evasive a such facts, that is he thinks with Marie lotus · dream is shown make love. Unfortunate is, their relation was not maintained too long, the difference between them is too big, dream dew realizes he is as bookish as suddenly married, so their relation ends with divorcing. The dream dew after the divorce experienced another conspicuous romance very quickly again, and Miller is made with his drama " after lose one's footing " (After The Fall) and laughed finally. The auspicious of model figure Ma of the eye of fair green jade that this drama modelled an ego to destroy according to his ex-wife.
The oddest moment: Miller is not beautiful behavior board of inquiry in American numerous courtyard before, announced their marriage to the world first through national TV station.
5. · Liu Yi Sihe strides Jieli Lee Yi Si of the Liu that pull ·
Came 1957 1970 (divorce, have) of a child. " conflagration ball " composer is really romantic reached the home, 1957, he and he that year only cousin of 13 years old married, should we carry him to be born in southern region? Their marriage is negative the influence is such big, so he must cancel a few journeys to transform his into singer of a country afresh, he returned old one's line again later. Their marriage maintains 1970, at that time, liu Yi Si was tired of OK and as legal as ground to be in wine cling to in the woman of thirsty wine dated.
The oddest moment: A month after they marry, myra was delivered of small Jieli Lee of a son, somebody guesses she has a place not blameless.
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